Tuesday 18 March 2008

Development in Dubai

Toojays MD, Lee Martin and Facilitator Jon Pulford were in Dubai last week supporting Misys MEA Sales and Professional Service teams.
Over the four days they were there they delivered Team Development and SDI-Relationship Awareness workshops as well as facilitating a meeting with the Executive Management Team.
The interactive sessions were well received by all attendees and enabled individuals and teams to focus on their relationships and performance.

Solid foundation at the Castle

Toojays HR Consultancy has recently started to provide HR & Personnel Support for the Duke of Rutland and the Belvoir Castle Estate.
The Estate, who employ approximately 60 people is currently reviewing it's internal operations under the guidence of Chief Executive, Donald Lambert.
As part of this review Toojays have been asked to work in partnership with the Estate and provide HR and Personnel support.
Sharn Crane, Toojays lead HR Consultant has started work at the Castle and liasing with Donald is providing ongoing support, ensuring that the Estate is up to date with all Employment legislation and HR issues.
Contracts, personnel files and all HR documentation is being reviewed to ensure a consistent, user friendly approach that will provide a common foundation going forward.