Monday 11 April 2011

Staff Training with Newtown Surgery & Caister Health Centre

The months of March and April saw Toojays delivering two workshop events to existing client, Newtown Surgery and Caister Health Centre. A need to establish a training programme for the non clinical staff had been identified in order to address specific skill gaps.
Following discussions with Assistant Manager, Jayne Baxter, the workshops were developed to cover key objectives and desired outcomes. The two workshops centred on the themes of Customer Services Skills and Communication Skills. Each session combined facilitated discussion, practical exercises, and reviewed the practical application relevant to the business.

Sport Wales HR Team Development Event

Last week saw Toojays in Cardiff, delivering a two day development event to Sport Wales. The national organisation is responsible for developing and promoting sport and physical activity in Wales.
A total of 17 managers received 360 feedback as part of an ongoing process to develop their managerial capabilities. Comments from the managers on the feedback process itself were very positive, with all being in agreement as to the benefit of having an objective "outsider" involved in the process.